Sunday, February 21, 2010


I spent the day gathering up food goodies from Whole Foods and TJs. Also bought some food preparation gadgets fom Bed, Bath and Beyond, so that I'm ready to start my detox program tomorrow.


  1. Haven't gone shopping yet. Plan on doing so in the morning after the rush at my local Asian store. I normally have a cup of coffee in the morning and then do lunch. So having breakfast, lunch and dinner tommorow, I believe will mean I won't go hungry:0) I will skip the caffine and do water and have my smoothie/breakfast by 11:00. Excited about getting back to life!

  2. That's good that you want to have breakfast. If you don't eat breakfast you will be too hungry to control your appetite later and may end up eating way too much for dinner.

    The detox will make you hungry in the morning.
