Wednesday, September 30, 2009

(Client: Claire) Time is finally on my side

Finally, the fact that my life seems to move at warp speed is working in my favor. I simply make a few good choices each day and as the weeks pass, I am looking and feeling better. It’s not that I never dieted in my life—and I’ve been with good programs—but they all involved either measuring or another kind of restrictiveness that caused me stress when I tried to sustain it in my busy life. And let’s face it—if you’re going to make a life-changing diet adjustment, it needs to be sustainable. I prepare food at home a lot more now than I used to, but I can still find something tasty and satisfying to eat in every part of my daily life: every restaurant, every party, even every convenience store. It’s almost like I’ve had a vision correction; I see my options differently now.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Shrub Monkeys

KT Shy has a good comic strip over at, called "Shrub Monkeys". This week, she takes her little sister to a veggie restaurant.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cafeteria Consciousness

This is progress from an unexpected quarter -- students are pressing their college cafeterias to serve healthier, locally-grown, environmentally-sensitive food, and it's working!
Bon Appétit, which serves 80 million meals a year at campus and corporate facilities, has launched a low-carbon diet initiative, reducing food waste, promoting composting, educating guests about their food choices and cutting back on beef purchases by 33 percent systemwide between 2007 and 2009.
I spent a long time in college, and I never saw decent food in the cafeteria. The world certainly is changing.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Lighter Side of Processed Food

The guys over at have a great article about processed foods, and why you'll wish you'd never touched the stuff. Warning -- their sense of humor is a bit coarse. (In the sense that volcanoes are a bit warm.)