Thursday, February 25, 2010

Catching Up

Okay, I have missed a couple days of blogging thanks to my wonderful Internet connection. (Not!) Tuesday, followed the plan to the tee and notice the gasie thing I had going on was subsiding; Wednesday didn't have my juicer so I stuck with lots of water throughout the day and had a nice size salad for dinner with various types of greens with lots of interesting veggies, a few Brazilian nuts with lemon juice and olive oil dressing and a side bowl of water melon. Funny thing....I have never attended so many meetings/classes in one week where everyone was pushing pizza! I was awesome (you ladies should have seen me at work) with my high quality H2O networking and not munching :0) Thursday/today I noticed that I had no gas and not much hunger. Worked on taxes (still!) and my mind and thoughts were very clear. Drank water throughout the day and having orange and apple slices along with homemade guacamole and a few blue chips. I don't want totally deny my desire for sugar (refined, sugar) so I am using the blue chips this evening to keep me on track. When that juicer arrives I will have my juice day. Have been sleeping exceptionally well and have lots three pounds! My husband has been enjoying salad every night for dinner too! He feels guilty when we share daily food journals :0)

1 comment:

  1. Wao, Kudos for staying away from the pizza. Isn't that a great feeling! Yes, once you start eating more fiber, your body learns to digest it and you should no longer have gas. If it persists, you need to take some probiotics to help rebuild your intestinal flora.
